Natalie, Tom and their baby boy

Natalie and Tom did an intensive Hypnobirthing session to prepare for the birth of their first baby. It just goes to show the benefits of even a short course of antenatal education and techniques can bring you.

A newborn baby boy wearing a onesie looking calm and peaceful asleep

Wanted to let you know our little baby boy arrived on Wednesday 24th last week. We had an amazing unassisted home birth after a very quick 2 hour labour. Midwives were called but didn’t manage to arrive on time, so it was just Tom and I. We got to have a precious few minutes with just the three of us before the paramedics arrived to check all was well. 

I did actually have to go in for CTG monitoring on my due date as I’d declined the induction. They had to do two runs as the first one ‘didn’t meet the criteria’, although they couldn’t really explain much or why at the time. Second run was fine, and my gut instinct told me that baby was fine (and was just sleeping for most of the first session!) but nonetheless it did add to ‘pressure’ of being induced vs waiting for spontaneous labour.
So glad I refused the advice of a sweep and induction on my ‘due date’ which was the 23rd. I’m still amazed by what our bodies are capable of when left to our own devices! 

Thanks again for your time and hypnobirthing session – i’ve no doubt hypnobirthing played a key role in how calm we were as the birth unfolded.


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